Expect excellence every day.
- We believe excellent public schools are the heart of a thriving community.
- We believe excellent teachers are essential for student success.
- We believe diversity is a strength and shall be embraced, recognized, and celebrated.
- We believe problem solving, critical thinking and creativity cultivate life-long learners.
- We believe quality education fosters leadership and develops good citizens.
- We believe our schools must be safe, welcoming, and respectful to all.
- We believe engaging our families and community is vital to ensuring each student's growth.
- We believe that health and wellness are foundational to success.
Student Achievement
We will maximize growth of all students through rigorous and meaningful instruction.
Health, Wellness & School Culture
We will foster and maintain inviting, equitable, healthy learning environments that promote safety, wellness, engagement, and excellence.
Human Resources
We will recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse workforce through an equitable process to ensure student achievement.
Community Collaboration
We will engage and partner with community stakeholders to foster greater student opportunities and build a more vibrant quality of life.
Operational Effectiveness
We will maximize resources to ensure operational effectiveness.